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Born in the Republic of Moldova to inspire the whole world.

A thrilling story about a winery of tens or hundreds of years old can make any bottle of wine a real masterpiece. Often times, the legend, the traditions, the mystery, make every drop of wine seem exceptional.

We are not going to tell you the story of an ancient winery, built on beautiful traditions. We do not have grandparents who devoted their lives to creating the perfect wine. WE are the future grandparents that are building a success story day by day. We are young and enthusiastic, we love what we do, and we want to offer you a bit of our passion and courage in each glass of Minis Terrios wine.

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MINIS TERRIOS is a winery that appeared in 2013. Its creators, Dan and Diana Prisacaru, studied winemaking in Burgundy. The winery has not big assortment, but author's wines. They produce about 10 thousand bottles per year, but these wines deserve attention.

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PO Box 16122, Collins Street West, Victoria 8007, Australia

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